What can psychoanalytic psychotherapy help with?
Psychoanalytic psychotherapy is suitable for and can help with various kinds of emotional and mental difficulties, as well as psychosomatic problems. Among others, therapy can help with:
- Anxiety, stress, anxiety disorders
- Loss, mourning, separation
- Sadness, depression
- Family issues
- Personality disorders
- Low self-esteem and the harsh voice in your head
- Sexual difficulties
- Questions and issues to do with sexuality, male and female homosexuality & bisexuality, queer, etc.
- Difficulties in relationships, for heterosexual and homosexual individuals
- Psychosomatic problems
In psychoanalytic psychotherapy there is one basic rule, valid since the time of Freud: to speak freely during the therapy and to express your thoughts and feelings as they arise, without censoring them, as much as this is possible. To be as open, forthcoming and honest with your therapist as you are with yourself. It follows then that the degree to which you are honest throughout your therapy and willing to think through your difficulties together with your therapist, is directly related to how much you will be able to achieve.